The Latest From The Plant-Based Pharmacist

HDL “Good” Cholesterol Explained
This article explains what HDL cholesterol is, how it works, and how well the approach of taking a pill to correct low HDL levels has worked so far in our quest for better heart health.

Osteoporosis – The Diet and Lifestyle Connection
Our diet and lifestyle choices have a big impact on bone health as you can see. Moving away from an animal-based diet and towards a plant-based diet has a positive impact on improving BMD scores and reducing fracture rates. This should be the goal of anyone with osteoporosis or wanting to avoid osteoporosis.

The Plant-Based Journey Book Review and Giveaway Contest
Have you been thinking about making changes to your diet and lifestyle? Maybe you want to take that leap from frumpy & tired to healthy & fit? Then The Plant-Based Journey is the perfect book for you! Author, Lani Muelrath, has done a masterful job in creating what I’d like to refer to as the […]

Crohn’s Disease – Diet vs Drug Treatment
In this article, I will discuss treatment options as it pertains to using diet versus medications in Crohn’s disease.

Reversing Lupus on a Plant-Based Diet
On October 31, 2005, my father passed away from complications related to an autoimmune disease. Six years later, in September 2011, after many visits to various doctors and numerous lab tests, I was diagnosed with the same disease—systemic lupus with a positive double marker of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). My ANA was 1:40 and very specific […]

Kale and Butternut Squash Veggie Soup
This kale and butternut squash veggie soup is the perfect way to warm up a cold, chilly winter evening.

Tackling Sleep Apnea With Diet and Lifestyle
Obstructive sleep apnea is a medical condition that can severely impact the quality of life of those who suffer from it. The primary focus of a successful treatment regimen for patients with sleep apnea should target sustained, long-term weight loss and lifestyle adjustments.

Lemon Garlic Hummus
A great tasting dip is a must for picnics, parties, or if you’re flying solo for snack time. This homemade, lemon-infused hummus dip rocks! Straight from my book, The Empty Medicine Cabinet, it’s the perfect hummus recipe for any occasion. Use it as a spread for vegetable wraps, as a dip for tasty baked crackers […]
Looking for the perfect resource to get you started on a healthy plant-based lifestyle? Look no further. The Empty Medicine Cabinet is everything you've been looking for and more!
My Mission To You
My mission is to provide reliable, high-quality, evidenced-based health and wellness information to enrich the lives of both patients and medical professionals alike, with an emphasis on the powers of plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine in the prevention and reversal of our most common chronic diseases.
— Dustin Rudolph, PharmD, BCPS
Dustin's appearances include presentations for the following organizations and at these events...
“When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no ‘I’ll start tomorrow.’ Tomorrow is disease.” —Terri Guillemets