Frequently Asked Questions

What's the best plant-based diet?

There are many different versions of the plant-based diet depending on which source you go to. I cover a number of them here along with their differences. Ultimately, you have to decide what works best for you in the long-term, because if you don't like what you're doing then chances are you won't eat that way for many years to come.

 Where do you get your protein?

Getting enough protein is not a problem on a plant-based diet. In fact, most people get more protein than they actually need. Get all your protein questions answered here.

Can I get enough calcium without consuming dairy products?

Getting enough calcium is not an issue on a plant-based diet. Calcium requirements are actually far lower than most people have been led to believe. Learn all about calcium in the human diet along with information on calcium supplements here.

Isn't milk important for overall health and for building strong, healthy bones?

Milk has been marketed as an important part of a healthy diet. However, milk is one of the most harmful foods on the face of the planet. It actually increases the risk of heart disease, prostate cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis. That's right. It increases the risk of bone fractures. Learn more by reading about the scientific studies on milk and health risks here.

Is fish part of a healthy diet, and is fish a good source of omega-3's?

While many nutrition guidelines and healthy eating advice stresses the importance of eating fish for your health, it is not. Why you ask? Because the risks of eating fish outweigh the benefits of the omega-3 fats you get from them. Find out the details here.

Are eggs still ok as part of a healthy diet?

Eggs have been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease when consumed in moderation or high amounts. To learn more about what this means and what health effects eggs have on your health go here.

Olive oil is heart healthy right?

Contrary to popular belief, all oils (including olive oil) are harmful for your heart. Please read my article here to learn why you should avoid oils to protect your cardiovascular system.

Is coconut oil good for you?

Coconut oil has been popularized as a health food, and even miracle cure for many different ailments, but there is no credible science to back these claims up. To learn more about this read my article here.

Is switching to lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish) the solution to my health problems?

Switching to lean meat is encouraged by many healthcare organizations including the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, and American Cancer Society. However, lean meat does not halt and reverse the devastating chronic diseases affecting our society today. To learn why, read my article here on this topic.

Should I go on a gluten-free diet?

Gluten-free diets are very popular. Despite this, most people (90%-98%) have no medical reason to go on a gluten-free diet. Learn more about this topic by reading my article here on gluten-free diets.

Can you help me decipher the Nutrition Facts Label?

The nutrition facts label seems like it's put together well, with it being easily understandable, but don't be fooled! Learn how to decode the government's nutrition facts label in my article here to avoid buying products that appear healthy, but are really not.

Family, friends, and even strangers aren't very supportive of my new dietary choices to go plant-based. What's the best way to handle this?

Making big changes in your life is not always easy, especially in the case of your food choices. Sometimes you will get discouraging remarks from others that can derail your efforts. All is not lost though. I offer a number of tips here on how to best handle this.

I don't have access to fresh fruits and vegetables all the time. How am I suppose to eat healthy with limited options?

Eating healthy can seem impossible if you live in a setting with very little options for healthy food, but it can be done. Read my article How to Adopt a Plant-Based Lifestyle Even in the Middle of Nowhere to learn how.

Should I buy organic?

Organic foods certainly offer benefits in terms of reducing your exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. But eating conventionally grown fruits and vegetables is still far better for your health than eating animal-based or processed foods labeled organic. To learn more about this topic go here.

Should I take any vitamins or supplements on a plant-based diet?

The only vitamin that is needed to supplement a plant-based diet is vitamin B12. Get all your vitamin B12 questions answered here.

What small kitchen appliances should I get to make plant-based living easier?

Several small kitchen appliances can make life easier while eating a plant-based diet. Find out what's on my must-have and wish list's here.

Are fish oil (omega-3) supplements worth it?

Omega-3 and fish oil supplements have largely come up empty when it comes to improving different medical conditions. Read more about all the review studies on omega-3 fish oils here.

How much fat do I need in my diet?

The amount of fat needed in one's diet is surprisingly low. Only 2-3% of your total calories needs to come from fat to meet adequate intake levels. Learn more about this subject by reading my article The Essentials of Fats in the Diet.

Does vitamin C and other natural supplements work for the common cold?

Many over-the-counter remedies marketed for the common cold actually do very little, or nothing at all, to cure the common cold. Find out about vitamin C, zinc, echinacea, chinese medicinal herbs, garlic supplements, and much more in treating the common cold here.

Is the flu shot effective?

The flu shot is advertised everywhere during the fall and winter months. It does work, but it isn't as effect as it's made out to be. I cover the studies here on the efficacy of the flu shot.

How Can I Find a Plant-Based Doctor?

You can find a plant-based doctor using these resources here.

How do I cut through all the confusion out there in the nutrition, medical, and healthcare fields?

Read my article entitled 3 Questions to Always Ask Your Doctor (or Pharmacist) to get a better understanding of how to get the answers you're looking for when it comes to any health or medical question. These methods can be applied to any intervention (dietary change, drug therapy, surgery, procedure, etc.) used to treat any medical condition.

Why doesn't everybody know about the benefits of a plant-based diet?

You would think that everyone and their brother would be shouting out the benefits of a plant-based diet from the peaks of mountain tops since it works so well for so many chronic diseases. But there is a lot of money involved in all of this. Corporate America stands to lose billions in profits should everyone in our society get healthy by switching to a plant-based diet. Find out how lobbying and special interest money plays a role in all of this by reading my articles Big Money, Special Interests, and the American Healthcare Crisis and Our Taxes - Are They Making Us Sick?

Is iron-deficiency anemia common on a plant-based diet?

There is a common misunderstanding out there that if you eat a plant-based or vegetarian/vegan diet you will become iron deficient and, therefore, develop iron-deficiency anemia. While this is possible, the rate of iron-deficiency anemia is no more prevalent in someone eating a plant-based diet than someone eating the typical Western diet. To learn more about iron-deficiency anemia and available treatment options please read my article here.

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