The Latest From The Plant-Based Pharmacist
No-Oil Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
These oatmeal raisin cookies will have you sneaking in seconds and thirds and fourths as the adult in you attempts to justify the empty plate of treats sitting in front of you.
The Plant-Based Cyclist Interview and His Story of Completing 3,200 Mile Race Across America
A few months ago I had the pleasure of meeting Ian Cramer (aka The Plant-Based Cyclist) during a Skype interview he did with me. Ian has a fascinating story himself being a competitive athlete and doing it all without any meat or dairy in his diet.
Whole Food, Plant-Based on $5 a Day – Summer Edition Book Review
The summer edition of Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet on $5 a Day is a great way to pack an array of nutritious, healthy foods with a sufficient amount of calories to keep you going during your busy summer days. The recipes are purposefully created for the warmer weather and include a variety of summertime favorites like dips, burgers, salads, and wraps.
Osteoporosis – The Diet and Lifestyle Connection
Our diet and lifestyle choices have a big impact on bone health as you can see. Moving away from an animal-based diet and towards a plant-based diet has a positive impact on improving BMD scores and reducing fracture rates. This should be the goal of anyone with osteoporosis or wanting to avoid osteoporosis.
How Can I Find a Plant-Based Doctor?
One of the most common questions I get from those who’ve adopted a plant-based lifestyle is, “How can I find a plant-based doctor?” Many who adopt a whole foods, plant-based (WFPB) diet do so for their health. They realize the food they put in their mouth has a profound effect on their overall health, be […]
Rheumatoid Arthritis – What Is It & How To Treat It
Arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, is a growing and leading public health concern in many developed countries. Rheumatoid arthritis can be treated safely and effectively with a plant-based diet.
Proteinaholic – A Review of the Book That Can Save Your Life
America is obsessed with protein, and it’s causing an untold amount of pain, suffering, and premature death. And the sad thing is, it’s all preventable. Garth Davis, MD is one of the country’s most highly respected and top bariatric surgeons who sees the health consequences of this epidemic every single day, as patient after […]
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) – Overview and Treatment Options
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has become increasingly common amongst Western cultures. This chronic disease is now estimated to affect up to 27.8% of North America and 25.9% of Europe.1 With 1 out of every 4 people suffering from this condition, it is not surprising that direct and indirect healthcare costs associated with GERD in the […]
Looking for the perfect resource to get you started on a healthy plant-based lifestyle? Look no further. The Empty Medicine Cabinet is everything you've been looking for and more!
My Mission To You
My mission is to provide reliable, high-quality, evidenced-based health and wellness information to enrich the lives of both patients and medical professionals alike, with an emphasis on the powers of plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine in the prevention and reversal of our most common chronic diseases.
— Dustin Rudolph, PharmD, BCPS
Dustin's appearances include presentations for the following organizations and at these events...
“When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no ‘I’ll start tomorrow.’ Tomorrow is disease.” —Terri Guillemets